2016PPP1Q40 – Voltage and Power of Bulb Y when X is switched off - 2013PPP1Q40 heaters
Video 02 Finding resultant force from vector diagram provided
Video 01 How to find resultant force of two or three forces (without drawing vector diagram)
2015 PurePhy P1Q6 – Using Newton’s 3rd Law to find Forward Thrust
Direction of Frictional Force on Tyre or Wheel
2021PPp1q36 DC circuit, which circuit has a potential difference between P and Q
Finding focal length f of the lens using pin and mirror or sharp image from distance object
2013PPP1Q30 – Direction of the electric field around a negative charge
Ticker Tape Timer
2010SPp1q12 Lens - focal length definition
2008PPp1q15,2017PPp1q15– Pressure constant, rate of collision decreases
Pressure – Height of ethanol in the column
2 pistons of different pressure joined together - P1V1 = P2V2
Which is a possible displacement-time graph for particle Y?
Unusual Behaviour of Less Dense Balloon in Air or Water
2021SPP1Q15 Electric field lines between the two charges
SP N2007 P1 Q16 – Which events will cause the fuse to blow?
2004PPp1q15 - Volume of bubble at bottom of lake (P1V1 = P2V2)